Just Like That


Friday, August 04, 2006

Monsoon Road Rage

(Genre: Just Like That)

A couple of weeks back, I was praying for rains but now when it rains, the first thing that comes to mind is the 2nd most popular 2 word phrase in English, after F$%* You - OH SHIT.

I am sure my sentiments are shared by thousands of people who are a part rush hour traffic on Delhi - Gurgaon road. Because all of us know that it will take us atleast half an hour more than the usual 1 hour that we spend on the road because of water logging @ n number of places. Couple this with blaring horns - and you can't have a better start to the beautiful day.

Part of the problem is lack of driving sense. Concepts like lane driving are not the norm, but an exception. We try to encroach every inch of space available in front of us, because if we dont, SOMEONE ELSE WILL. And the most efficient in doing this I feel are rickshaw-wallahs. First they put in the front wheel in the smallest of openings between 2 vehicles, and then by some miracle the wide-behind of the rickshaw also squeezes through.

One does not get what one is entitled to, unless one claims it by hook or by crook. Phir bhi dil hai hindustani....phir bhi dil hai hindustani....

P.S. People from flood affected areas please ignore. Watching the live feed on news, I know my woes are nothing as compared to yours.


Blogger Movie Mazaa said...

That sure looks messy!!


10:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here too,in hyd...we just fed up wid rains,Manish..

7:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dil to hai hindustani par Dilli bahut dur hai. Bombay has far better civc sense than Delhi does.

10:06 PM  
Blogger Mayank Krishna said...

Come and experience the rains and water-logging of Mumbai. I bet you will thank God that you are in Delhi navigating the wide roads :-)

Thanks to Mumbaiya rains, had a rough rainy experience today so mood is really sour :-(

12:49 AM  
Blogger Better Tomorrow For India said...

Unless the policymakers are compelled by the people to provide good quality public goods in ample quantity (read infrastructure in general and roads in particular), situation may worsen.
But there is a saving grace, continued globalisation will ensure better infrastructure (supply as well as management), as otherwise inferior infrastructure will start eating into the competitiveness of our economy.

10:04 AM  
Blogger nobody knows said...

we should get laloo bhaiya to fix this.

9:25 PM  
Blogger manish said...

The problem is everywhere the same in India,when it comes to traffic jams,be it Mumbai,Delhi or Hyderabad.

2:57 PM  

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