Horoscopically Incompetent

(Genre: Just Like That)
Yup, thats me! I am horoscopically incompetent to get married. I wonder if this would make a good pickup line....Probably not... Had I known good pickup lines, I wouldnt be writing this piece today.
But after 2 years of pestering me to get married, my parents have told me that my horrorscope is dominated by Mr Mangal. Mr Mangal has setup strict constraints for me to get married, one of which is that I cannot get married this year. Another is that I can marry only one of Mr Mangal's female prodigies.
How good is astrology in predicting futures ? Do all the people born at the same day and time as me have the same fate? I think it is too much of generalization.
I ask my parents, inspite of being educated, how can they believe in such gibberish, and I get a reply saying that they are "liberal orthodox". They are liberal but have some orthodox beliefs. I wonder which type of paradox, this statement lies in.(explained in detail in my previous blog ) But if one starts listing the liberal orthodoxes in the world, that would include the likes of Osama (Liberal capitalist, but wants to kill kafirs).
Our country follows a lot of these (dis)beliefs. Some are as follows:
1. Following Godmen
2. Ganesha statues drinking milk
3. Cat crossing your path being an ill omen
4. Don't buy iron on Saturday
Rabindranath Tagore said " We who often glorify our tendency to ignore reason, installing in its place blind faith, valuing it as spiritual, are forever paying for its cost with obscruation of our mind and destiny."
So wake up!!
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