Horse Divorce

(Genre: I suck at poetry)
Thought will try my hand at poetry...but by the time I was finished with it, I was sure that I will never again try poetry again....
Once upon a time a mare and a horse,
went to the court for divorce
Presiding the case was Honorable Judge Rhino,
the respected lawyers were Monkey and Dino
Monkey rose first to present his case,
Mare felt shy and covered her face
Dino stood up, tripped and fall
A loud thud preceded the laughter in the hall
He got up tied his shoe lace
The bloody thing that caused his fall from grace
He said mutual agreement on seperation
Paperwork is ready and so are the preparations
The judge inquired how long b4 marriage the 2 met,
Mare replied "Not married, but the date is set"
Puzzled he asked " No marriage!! why divorce??"
In dictionary divorce comes first said the horse
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