To Cut a long story short...

( Genre: Just Like That)
...or in other words - A Nano-tale. For the uninitiated, a nanotale is a story in 6 words or less.
Here's Mine:
Drive to Gurgaon. Late again today.
For those who don't think its a story, let me explain some salient points in my defence. You might be convinced that not only is it a story, but also a script for a movie.
1. It has a beginning, a middle and an end.
2. It has Drama with a lot of twists and turns and speed breakers (pun intended)!
3. It has Action. Look at any Call Center Cab drive
4. It has Emotion. "Hey Bhagwan. Yeh kaise drive kar raha hai!"
5. It has Suspense which gets cleared in the end. Whether I'll reach office on time??
6. It has Music. Horns blaring all around
So thats the story of 1/8th of my life (3 hours a day on road).
Whats yours??
Jeffrey Archer: For the title of this post
95 FM: For introducing me to the concept of Nanotale
Labels: Nanotale